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Mafhoosa Pancakes

Writer's picture: Amjaad Al-HussainAmjaad Al-Hussain

Updated: Jul 15, 2020

Mafhoosa مفحوسة is a classic sweet Yemeni dish made out of fresh bread. This dish comes in many variations across different regions in Yemen - I grew up with this Sana'ani style where the bread is made from scratch, ripped apart, and reheated with ghee and honey. Some of us love adding toppings like fresh banana slices. This treat can be enjoyed for breakfast, brunch, or dessert.

I've seen some people make mafhoosa with commercial breads like toast and buns - that technically works but it doesn't come anywhere close to the fresh bread made with whole wheat flour.

I have been making mafhoosa with my mom since I was a little girl. Our recipe can be found here.

I've been fantasizing about making pancakes out of this classic dish but had low expectations. I gave it a shot and it was incredible from the first try. IT TASTES EXACTLY LIKE MAFHOOSA! It does take a lot less time though which I am sure many of you will appreciate.

I'm posting this recipe on my blog within hours of making it because I couldn't contain my excitement, but rest assured I will be filming the demo for my YouTube channel very soon.


Makes 5 large pancakes. Double or triple as needed.

1 cup buttermilk كباية مخيض اللبن

1 whole egg بيضة

1/4 cup whole milk ربع كبابة حليب كامل الدسم

1 tbsp melted ghee ملعقة ك سمن مذوب

3/4 cup all purpose flour ٣/٤ كباية دقيق أبيض

1/4 cup whole wheat flour ربع كباية دقيق أسمر

1 tbsp ground flaxseed ملعقة ك حبوب الكتان مطحونة

1 tbsp sugar ملعقة ك سكر

1/2 tsp baking powder نص ملعقة ص بيكنق بودر

1/2 tsp baking soda نص ملعقة ص بيكنق سودا

Pinch of salt نتفة ملح

1 tsp black nigella seeds ملعقة ص حبة سوداء او حبة البركة

Honey عسل

Here is my Classic Mafhoosa Recipe

Directions For Mafhoosa Pancakes

  1. Whisk your buttermilk, egg, and melted ghee in a bowl until thoroughly combined.

  2. In a separate bowl, mix your flours, flaxseed, baking powder, baking soda, salt, sugar, and nigella seeds.

  3. Pour wet ingredients into dry ingredients and whisk just until combined. Then add the quarter cup of milk to thin out the batter slightly.

  4. Set the batter aside for at least 10 minutes. 15 to 20 minutes is ideal.

  5. Spray your griddle and scoop your batter using a 1/2 measuring cup to get even sized pancakes. My griddle works best on medium high heat. Flip pancakes when the bottom is golden and the edges are firm. Cook for a few minutes on the other side until golden

  6. Drizzle warm honey over pancakes and enjoy!

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